"I am a person who has not won 100 times, but has tasted the failure atleast in 1000 times" declares Ajith.
For Ajith Aegan is a serious action movie with full of commercial comedies. (People speak negative only about this)
On his failures, he says "During the first 20 years of life, a man will work hard to succeed, then in the next 20 years, i.e between 20 - 40, a man will think, he knows all and his always the winner, I am now in my 37, and in another 3 years I will come out of this head-weight stage"
Few years before, Ajith used to mingle with media and was seen as an out-spoken man. Now a days he keeps distance from media and runs away from the place if he was called to give an interview. On this behavior change, he says that as he is in public life, speaking out sometime is like that of a person who lives in a glass house and throwing stones. According to Ajith, living a public life, like that of him, is like living in a glass house.
When Ajith was indirectly asked to compare himself with Vijay, he not only avoided the question but also advised the reporter not to ask such questions.
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